We have several options for you.
Have you ever given SkillPoints? Did you get SkillPoints from someone? We want to know your story! Write it to our FB SkillPoints website or send it to us at skillstory@skillpoints.cz.
Do you like drawing?
You can help us design the front of SkillPoints cards. Send us 12 pictures you have drawn or created using graphics software to facebook or e-mail pictures@skillpoint.cz. If we like your pictures, we will contact you about buying them.
Support us at Kickstarter and get one of the listed rewards.
Just log in to www.skillpoints.eu and we'll send you an email when you start your campaign.
As a beginning teacher I was thinking about the form of softskill points. Because my students are 15 or over, I couldn’t give them a picture or a sticker. I invented cards with the name, the year of the student and the reason for granting the card. There would be a picture with the motif of the school and the subject. In order for colleagues to use the cards, the name of the teacher would also be written on the card. You have to confirm your signature and enter the date.
When was the last time you received something "just like that"? People give each other few gifts outside of birthdays, Christmas or other holidays. If you have already received or given such a gift, it will probably be one of the less suitable forms. We give sweets to children, and some alcohol to adults. Special forms of gifts are a money envelope, gift vouchers, mobile or gaming credit.